While my human's leg doesn't work, I'm helping with her rehab. I prep the ace bandages (please excuse my Koney-hairs that flew in front of the camera),
fend off wild animals (you may not think this has anything to do with rehab but you could imagine how hard it would be to focus on getting better when you have to worry about leopards. Don't worry, I took care of the lobster and crab too),
and even deliver her socks with new ventilation holes. I thought I was doing good work but she keeps saying something about me having too many energies.
I hope her leg gets better. I don't know if I'm cut out for this rehab job.
I hope your human's leg gets better soon too!
I am sorry but the photo of the lack of stuffing in the stuffed animal had me cracking up! :)
Don't feel bad, Kona, I am no nurse either. I think peeps should take care of themselves, don't you?
We hope your Mom gets better soonest though!
Kona sounds like she has some really important jobs, but sounds like she has done pretty marvelous playing nurse ;-). I hope your legs are much better soon, that has to be so hard for someone as active as you are, glad the weather has not been that good, hopefully that makes your recooperation time a little easier. We are sending some nice healing thoughts your way....glad I know Kona is on the job taking care of you...
Kona, you are a very good, home health aide. Making your human smile is the best medicine.
Hope you two are back on the trails soon.
I dont know if your injured or not. But have you tried compression socks? Also, I once went to a sharper image store after a trial and my legs were hurting so bad. I sat in this thing that messaged my lower legs. OMG, pain medication hadnt worked but that leg thing did. Just some thoughts. Diana
What a great little worker Kona is- so helpful around the house! I'm sure you two will be back out there in no time, hope you continue to heal quickly, and keep that Kona girl busy! I'm sure it's not an easy task sometimes :)
Aww, so helpful you are Kona. Who doesn't want ventilation holes in her socks? I could definitely see how that would be useful.
I hope your human heals up soon and takes it easy in the mean time.
Whew, Kona! You sure do looks exhausted after all that work you had to do to help your mom. But you did a real good job and I bets she appreciates it way, way down deep inside. (I help fend off wild animals, too.)
Wiggles & Wags,
You know something? Marge has a very similar tiger - and she would totally kill it if I let her!
You're doing a great job helping AC, Kona. Tell her that I hope she feels better soon.
AC, I hope you're rehabbed soon. I think Kona may be "helping" a bit too much!
It's a dirty job, Kona, this rehab assistant stuff...but a dogs got to do what a dogs got to do to get the human back on her feet! Good job!
Hope your human's legs are feeling much better now and you're having lots of walkies again!
Sometimes, humans do need a little push from us!
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